MobiVisor Secure Exchange

You’re using an email service such as Outlook but you want to guarantee an increased security standard? The security guidelines of your company often cannot be applied to the email service of your employees.

The first aspect added to the safety instruction of your company is to not open attachments from dubious senders. All the safety instructions still cannot prevent this action, as long as the situation is up to the handling of the user.

With Secure Exchange we address this issue and offer an extension with additional security configurations for your existing email service. Thus we minimize the security risk in companies.


How Secure Exchange works:





Integrate your email service in Secure Exchange. For that, subscribe with your mail address and your password as you would normally. Alternatively, administrators may facilitate this process, so that you just have to enter your password.



Administrators may centrally apply extended security guidelines. With the option to update configurations from everywhere you remain flexible.



After establishing and registering your account you can start directly. Use your email service as usual and benefit from additional security in conjunction with customization options.


What are Examples of our Secure Exchange Features?


Security Exchange uses Pop3 and IMAP for reception and sending of emails. The application opens the attachment within the application and does not allow sharing it with other applications. The administrator may be notified if a screenshot is taken while opening the attachment (notifications in case of security breaches). If Secure Exchange is purchased as an extension to MobiVisor’s core MDM, the installation process may largely be automatized and implemented remotely, so that you don’t have any stress during the establishment.

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