TvOS and MobiVisor: manage the entire Apple universe with one MDM


From June 2024, MobiVisor MDM will also offer you the option of managing Apple tvOS devices. In the following article, we will show you how the integration works, why the use of tvOS devices can be useful and how to secure the devices professionally.

Integrate tvOS devices into MobiVisor MDM


Basically, the integration of tvOS devices does not differ from the process for other Apple devices.
The quickest way to integrate tvOS to MDM is with the Apple Configurator app. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, have your Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager login ready and connect the AppleTV box to the Internet via cable. You will also need a Macbook to set it up.

You can find the complete instructions here: Instructions and info tvOS.


Which MobiVisor functions are available for tvOS?


Although all Apple devices - whether they are Macbook, iPad or iPhone - look the same in terms of structure and user interface, the backend differs significantly. For users of an MDM, this ultimately means that unfortunately not all policies available for iOS devices can simply be applied to tvOS devices.

The reason for this is the different interfaces that Apple provides in each case.
Which settings you can apply to an apple device is dependent on this.
Generally, not many settings can be made on tvOS devices - which is due to the limited functions of tvOS.

Amongst others, you can apply the following features to tvOS with MobiVisor MDM:

1. Enable / Disable AirPlay
2. Remote Wipe
3. Trigger OS Update
4. Disable System Apps
5. App installation and uninstallation

Using tvOS for work - what are the advantages?


At first, the use of tvOS devices in a work context might seem somewhat absurd, because after all, you don't go to work to watch TV. But of course this is far too short-sighted. To fully understand why and how the use of AppleTV can make sense, let's go back to the basics: How does AppleTV work?

Even if you already use Apple devices at work or at home, it is often the case that you do not have any contact with tvOS. As a result, the way it works is often unknown.


AppleTV - a small box with a big impact


AppleTV is the name of the small box that contains the tvOS.

This can simply be connected to any screen or SmartTV with an HDMI connection and transforms the device into an AppleTV.

Basically, you can imagine that the entire operating system of AppleTV is stored on the small box - including all apps etc. and only the display is moved to a screen, similar to an external hard disk. This makes the use of AppleTV very variable and it is not tied to one location. If a different screen is to be used, the AppleTV box can simply be reconnected. The previous screen or SmartTV remains unaffected. As soon as the Apple TV Box is connected to another screen, the configured guidelines are applied again.


tvOS devices and MobiVisor: Use as a work device


1. Presentations:

If all Apple devices used in the company are in a network, presentations or reports can be easily shared via AirPlay. This way, you avoid the hassle of switching between laptops and external screens. You can choose a model of your choice to play the presentations - as you can use any screen with an HDMI connection.


2. Single-App-Mode:

A tvOS device can be set to single app mode via the MDM. As the name suggests, only one app is displayed.
Single app mode can even be set up so that the app can no longer be closed. This is particularly practical if screens are to be used for a single purpose, e.g. as a virtual product display.


3. Usage in schools:

Apps can be used in schools to impart knowledge.  The teacher can access them quickly and easily via the AppleTV screen. Of course, movies or charts can also be played. However, AirPlay can also be prevented in order to prevent pupils who may also have an iPhone to try to connect.

Here you can access all information about tvOS for MobiVisor